April 16, 2009
Johnny (Bandit) is recovering well, his one teste was way up in his abdomen and he went through an extensive surgery, but is looking OK this morning.
April 18
Hi Jamie, Just a note to let you know it is a good thing we are keeping the little wild man here, I think he is 90% blind.
He cannot see the feed bucket when I hang it, he searches for it and bangs his face on it. Today after his walk he fell over the black rubber tub that holds his hay, and I can shake my hand in front of his eyes and he does not react.
Once he knows his area, you would never know..but all the signs are there so I will take him back to the vet on Monday and see if he can spot anything. I am not a paint person so I don't know much about their color genes, I know they have odd genes that can do nasty things to a horse.
He will live here
May 10
Bandits owner has had a vet out to examine Bandit and he confirmed that is is mostly blind. He has a forever home where he is and seems to be very happy with his new life.
1 comment:
I knew Bandit when he lived with his former owner, he had never been blind. He loved to sneak out of his paddock and run through an unfamiliar pasture filled with trees, which he had no problem avoiding, and he would also jump obstacles in his path easily. He was being started on natural horsemanship (Clinton Anderson) methods and knew body language, he would stop and look at you to see which direction he was to go. Bandit has no funky color genes. He was born a chestnut medicine hat tovero. Doubling of the overo gene causes health problems (including death in newborn foals, caused from having an incomplete digestive track) Bandit has no such problems, he carries the greying gene through his sire, W&LD Cherokee Flash; Bandits mother was a solid bay. Both Flash and Bandit where grey pintos (Flash was born black and white) who turned eventually white, the same way grey Arabians and the famous Lipizzaner Stallions do. Look to the anesthesia from Bandit's surgery for answers to his blindness... we had a cat who received too much anesthesia during his neutering and he couldn't see right for weeks.
PS: Bandit's registered name is not "Slashen" Bandit... it is "Cry Wolf's Flashen Bandit", he is named after his father who was an AMHA Champion.
~A Friend of a Friend of Bandit
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