MOLLY aka #10
Got Molly "home" around 10:00 pm, thanks Lucinda for your help with truck, trailer and time, I really appreciate it. Molly got a couple of handfuls of grain standing in my hay barn, it was raining, and then we went to the corral where the goats reside. "Blue" picked up on her right away and nickered to her in the dark, she answered back, and he became very excited jogging in and out of his stall. I got her some hay and opened the window into the barn where she was waiting, she ate a few bites and then was interested in checking out her new digs. She should settle in great tonight with Blue standing guard.
Today Molly had her health check with my vet, she was surprisingly good, even with her teeth exam and float. She only tried to jump over Dr. Scot and I once, considering what he was doing to her mouth, that was pretty good. Her lung sounds were good but hard to hear over her gut sounds. He checked her skin for parasites and everything looked good except for two small patches under her mane where it looked like she had rain rot or something, he cleaned the areas up leaving normal skin. Her eyes were clear and her hooves were in remarkable condition, he cleaned them good and showed me that she had never foundered due to the thin white line on her hoof. He said the ribbing on the front of her hooves did show that her nutrition was very poor about 6-months ago, then improved for awhile, but got worse again, very interesting how you can read that much out of her hooves. Dr. Scot did an interior and exterior probing exam on her mouth and teeth, he said her incisors were spaced properly and were amazingly good for a mini horse. Molly had mild points on uppers and lowers, hooks on 306 and 406 and no wolf teeth, Dr. Scot worked on her teeth doing what he could do with a float, even blunting the two hooks. Since we do not know the extent of the vaccinations Molly has had in her life, we elected to start from scratch and vaccinate her for Tetanus Toxoid, Influenza, Encephalomyelitis, Rhinopneumonitis and West Nile. Molly was also dewormed with a wormer that takes care of tape worm plus other possible worms. Dr. Scot said she is close to a good weight, only needing to gain maybe 10-20 pounds and that if she is getting good pasture, which she is, she should not be given hay in addition to the grass. She does get a little, very little, grain so that I can give her some probiotics. All in all, she is in good shape for all of the abuse she has seen in her 11-years of life.
Molly is a joy to our farm, she has the 12 llamas buffaloed, but beds down with the Nigerian Dwarf goats every evening, right next to "Blue" the Thoroughbred gelding in the next stall. She loves her handful of grain and has started whinnying at the sight of us. This last weekend, she got to meet her special little girl, Kylee, our 4-1/2 year old granddaughter, they became instant friends. Thanks Carol and Jamie for letting us give Molly her forever home.
"...all of the abuse she has seen in her 11-years of life." ...?
If Molly could talk she would tell you differently... sometimes very bad things happen to good people, unfortunately it also effects the ones they love, including their animals... horses at least are forgiving souls... Molly isn't a people lover by mistake, her owner was her only friend as all the other horses rejected her because she bullied them... when Molly "grooms" someone (nuzzles) and uses her nose and not her teeth it is because she learned not to use her teeth on people. No other horse would let her get near her to scratch or be scratched, if they did it didn't usually last long. Molly was a misfit, an outcast... she didn't care for the other horses but she didn't want to be alone either. But she was lonely, and she and her owner gave each other solace. Only Molly and Molly's past owner's best friend understood that. But Molly did have a good life at one time, she was not "abused for 11 years", and she was always, and still is, much loved. Sometimes love hurts, whether it's hanging on, or letting go. It's all just very sad, but when you enjoy Molly's company, remember that she loved, and was loved, before... I am glad she can now give all her love to you.
(PS: Don't let her beat Blue up)
~Friend of a friend of Molly
If you know so much about Molly, please share with me, as it can only make her life with us better. Sorry for the "abuse for 11 years" comment, I actualy was referring to the condition she was found in her home in Grand Ronde. We also have a boarder horse here, a 2-year-old Warlander filly, she and Molly are best buddies, I see no sign of her dislike of other horses.
I'm very glad Molly has found a friend, perhaps she's found she can't bully someone bigger than her (a Warlander is a Friesian x Andalusian isn't it?) so hopefully she has finally decided to play nice.
This web page has some more insight on Molly and her past herd mates: http://www.wildhorseland.com/TearsForMyHorses.htm
You can also email me at iz_anony_mouse@yahoo.com and I can fill you in more. I'd love to see some current pics of Molly with her new friends too, if you wouldn't mind sharing.
Thanks so much.
The Warlander filly is half Friesian half Lusitano, she left in May, so it is "Blue" and "Molly", and again, I see no signs that Molly is the "bully" you make her out to be, maybe now that she doesn't have to fight for food to survive, she doesn't have to be a bully. I saw "Misti" 4-days ago, she sure looks good, has filled out and shed out to a gorgeous gray and such kind eyes, but still the deformed left front hoof.
Perhaps she has learned she cannot bully those bigger than her. I have a picture of her standing with her front hooves smack in the middle of a stock tub filled with grain, there were 4 other stock tubs filled with grain as well, but if she got it into her mind she wanted a particular one she would always run everyone else off and take it over. If she was in a herd again I'm sure you would see she hasn't changed. I'm glad she and Misti are doing well, I wish Jamie would update more on the others, I haven't heard anything about them in a long time...
PS: Molly has always been that way, even in times of plenty. It never mattered how much food there was, if she wanted it she made sure she got it. Molly never "fought for food", it was the others who had to spend their time dodging her, even when there was more than enough to go around. It was always "whatever Molly wants, Molly gets".
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